Why Farm Fresh?

So why is it when we eat farm fresh food do we feel so much better?

When I shop at local growers’ markets, roadside stores and growers shops I leave feeling so much better than when I shop at large franchise shops and that’s even before I get to consume the local fresh produce. This got me thinking why? And does everyone feel this way?

So, I started to think about it a bit more and then began talking to friends, family and the people that stop to buy our local honey when driving pass to try a better understand the feeling it creates.

During these discussions it all made complete sense, so often in the era we are in we can quickly become so disconnected with the food we eat and the individuals that grow it.

When we take a minute to stop at a local honesty box or talk to the person running the market store we get to reconnect to where food came from, connect with the individual that grew it (so often this comes with such interesting information that we didn’t know) and you get the side feel good of supporting your local community.

I found it so interesting that there were so many benefits before I have even sat down at the table to enjoy my produce and once, I started to add them to the mix it was hard to deny farm fresh is always best. Things like it had often been grown with little to no pesticides, the flavour trumps any major shopping chain you only have to eat one farm fresh tomato to know that and it’s better for the environment by reducing travel.

All of these factors mixed in with the simple fact that after I purchase from a local grower, I feel happier, and I feel like did my small bit to help a local producer. I know that for me turning to my local community wherever possible is what ill be doing in the future.


On Holidays at South West Rocks & looking for a family activity?


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